Saturday, March 1, 2014

NSA is the new STASI

the recent snow down (pun intented) with the revelations that secret agences all over the globe have proceeded to spy on their citizens and everything said and done online, bears an awful similarity to what the Stasi did in east Germany after the WWII and up to 1989.
Strangely I haven't heard such a comparison up to this date. Perhaps I haven't searched deep enough. Or perhaps people areafraid to admit it.
Knowing everything there is to know about everyone is every oppresive regieme's wet dream. They start pretending that they serve for the benefit of the citizens and proceed making said citizens guilty untill proved innocent. If the government allows it of course.
Stasi was spending millions of manhours doing manually what the NSA does within minutes automatically, more efficiently and effectively. They have reached a point that they don't even need to try. People provide voluntarily the information for free to secretive agencies like the NSA who would go to great lenghts to get it. All the NSA has to do nowdays is literally lift their fingers on a keyboard.

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