Thursday, June 30, 2011

The ghost hand and what could mean for our future

I watched not without horror the video presenting the PossessedHand technology.
The tech allows after connecting some electrodes on your arm for electric impulses to move your hand WITHOUT your brain's intervention. The hand is moving on its own, by a ghost!

My horror was due to the thoughts that occurred to me while watching it: This tech could easily expand to move the entire human body. That means that by wearing a tight suit with the electrodes at the correct places, our hands, arms and legs could be controlled by someone else. Man or machine. Transforming the recipient into living zombie. Allowing my imagination to run wild on that track, the technology could expand even more allowing the electrodes to be able to be injected into the blood stream or swallowed and self-position at the right places. After all don't we have drug capsules and other similar stuff?

The thing is that such a technology could easily be used for bad rather than good. Imagine yourself abducted, and that suit put on you, or those capsules put in your bloodstream and then imagine robbing a bank. Or imagine becoming and involuntary suicide bomber...
If this kind of tech is coupled with brain wave tech then you could even have people controlling others and living through their puppet's experiences! Something like the Surrogates with living people rather than robots not necessarily participating willingly to that.

And I was like WHOA. Our darkest future is yet to come.

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