Monday, December 30, 2013

Question to random terrorists

I can't begin to imagine what kind of organisation or person thinks that is a good idea to blow up some train station or some trolei bus. I mean who is going to feel the impact of such actions? The government? High officials? Rich people who disregard everyone and everything when it comes to profit? I would Laugh my Ass off if it wasn't a terrible matter.
The dude, whoever organised such actions and put them in motion is either extremely stupid or has a hidden agenda. Now I do not know how does Russia runs its internal matters, but history and US has shown that for the known terrorist attacks the common people was fucked as a result. Less freedom, more opression, more bullying.

Random terrorist dude I would like to ask you: when you target simple (poor) civilians, all you do is teryfying random poor civilians. Putin doesn't give a shit about them or you, Obama doesn't give two shits about them and you, governments in general doesn't give a shit about them or you., rich people do not give a shit about them or you. So what exactly do you think you have accomplished?

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