Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Why You Should Embrace Surveillance, Not Fight It

I was reading the: "Why You Should Embrace Surveillance, Not Fight It" from KEVIN KELLY
and I get to this part:

"Every person has a human right to access, and benefit from, the data about themselves. The commercial giants running the networks have to spread the economic benefits of tracing people’s behavior to the people themselves, simply to keep going. "

He can't really believe that. I can't possible understand it. In this age and day, to think that a mega corporation with billions of $ revenue has the same right as the next Joe. (and Human Rights no less, since as it is known corporations are people).

As if we do not see human rights getting violated every other day even within the US. As if we do not see opressive govermnents use the data to track and elliminate oponents. As if the same data mining can be performed by a billion $ corporation and the average Joe...

I cannot understand how easily is to express such nonsence (believing it or not) to the general public. Naivity perhaps or something more sinister?

I stopped reading right then and there.
I checked the comments section
"Comments for this thread are now closed."
On a 24hr old article comments are closed... Last comment published 7 hours ago.

So survailance can be good, but commenting on it not so good.

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